Bars de copes & Pubs
London Bar
Bars de copes & Pubs
Adreça: Carrer Nou de la Rambla 34. Barcelona, Espanya  
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London Bar, Bars de copes & Pubs, Vida nocturna a Barcelona:

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London Bar es troba en la guia de Bars de copes & Pubs i Vida nocturna a Barcelona.

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Hotel and Hospital Supplies Corp
First about the food... I ordered the meatloaf sandwich which was yummy as usually. My better half ordered a tuna melt and he said it was just o-k-ay. But the cabbage slaw thing was yummy as usually.BUT... what was up with the service last night??? I guess some manager(??) thought is was more important to "lure" two of the employees into the back for I guess a "talking to" then see to it that the food get to the customers. The service is usually very good but last night the service went from excellent to sh*t in a blink of an eye. Thanks to "whoever this guy was" the service slowed way down to a snail`s pace. *UGH!* We were going to order a slice of pie but changed our minds when we noticed that we had not seen our servicer for about 20 minutes. Thank "the power to be" we had already received our order. *Phew!* I felt sorry for the other customers that were eagerly waiting for their food - food which they could see stacking up at the cook`s station. Even the cooks were wondering what da heck was going on. *ring ring of the bell* Hmm... sounds like to me Fat Apple`s needs to understand the importance of promptly getting the food to customer.