The Sutton Club, Barcelona
The Sutton Club
Adreça: Tuset 13. Barcelona, Espanya  
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The Sutton Club, Clubes, Vida nocturna a Barcelona:

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Informació general:

The Sutton Club es troba en la guia de Clubes i Vida nocturna a Barcelona.

Conegut per

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Sun 08, Sep
Mon 09, Sep
Tue 10, Sep
Wed 11, Sep
Thu 12, Sep
Fri 13, Sep
Sat 14, Sep
No especificat
No especificat
No especificat
No especificat
No especificat
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Informació de contacte
Telèfon: 93 414 42 17

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Esdeveniments i promocions

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Generalment qualificat:
(1 Visites, 1 visitants) Qualificar aquest lloc

Data de la teva visita a aquest lloc

Tria la teva valoració
Molt dolent
Molt bo
Qualificat per:
Absoulute Rubbish!!!
please please dont waste even a minute trying to get into this awful, rude, and overhyped club! The bouncers seem to think they are gods and pick and chose only those people whome they know. Queing up is pointless as we reached the front of the que and people who just turned up were trodding on our feet getting through!! honestly, dont waste your time here!!