Plaza Sant Felip Neri, Barcelona
Plaza Sant Felip Neri
Address: Plaza Sant Felip Neri s/n. Barcelona, Spain  
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Plaza Sant Felip Neri is a small, round square in the heart of Barcelona's "Barrio Gotico" (Gothic Quarter). The plaza is hidden between two narrow streets and you can it some few meters next to the cathedral.

It is a very silent and romantic place width a small fountain in it's center. If you are looking for a rest and silence in between the touristic stress, we would recommend to visit this place and relax a while listening to the water.

On the plaza itself you can find a historic place: La Iglesia de Sant Felip Neri - a gothic church which has been bombed during the spanish civil war.

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Tue 14, Jan
Wed 15, Jan
Thu 16, Jan
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Plaza Sant Felip NeriPlaza Sant Felip NeriPlaza Sant Felip NeriPlaza Sant Felip NeriPlaza Sant Felip NeriPlaza Sant Felip Neri
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