La Mercè, Barcelona
La Mercè
Cathedrals & Churches
Address: Carrer Ample s/n. Barcelona, Spain  
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The Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la Merced (in Catalan Basílica de la Mare de Déu de la Mercè) is a baroque church located in the gothic quarter of the old town of Barcelona, on the Plaza de la Mercé.

It was built between 1765 and 1775 and was the work of the Catalan architect Josep Mas i Dordal. The church is dedicated to the virgin Merced as the patron of the city of Barcelona and is one of the most representative buildings of it's epoch.

The actual church was build upon onto another church from the medieval, constructed between 1249 - 1267, which received an amplification to the gothic style in the centuries XIV - XV.

Famous for
gothic style | tourist attraction | make attractive photos | historic place
Thu 27, Jun
Fri 28, Jun
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