Las Poncianas Hotel, Casma
Las Poncianas Hotel
Restaurants | Sports Center | Hotels | Saunas
Address: Altura Carretera Panamericana Norte KM 379. Casma, Peru  
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Las Poncianas Hotel, Restaurants, Gastronomy in Casma:

Right now we dont have a more detailed description on Las Poncianas Hotel.

General information:

Las Poncianas Hotel is part of the Restaurants and Gastronomy Guide in Casma.

Famous for

Not specified

Mon 21, Oct
Tue 22, Oct
Wed 23, Oct
Thu 24, Oct
Fri 25, Oct
Sat 26, Oct
Sun 27, Oct
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Contact information
Telephone: 00-51-43-412123

No photos available

Events and promotions

Nothing scheduled right now.

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