Fuente de Montjuïc, Barcelona
Fuente de Montjuïc
Monuments | Fountains
Address: Plaza España s/n. Barcelona, Spain  
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La fuente mágica de Montjuïc is the so called Magic fountain of Barcelona and is located on foot of Montjuïc mountain in direction Plaza de España.

This monument was inspired by the engineer Carles Buïgas and it's inauguration was celebrated in 1929.

The fountain is operative in two different periods of the year:
From May till October there is a huge light and sound show in a unimaginable quantity of effects. You can see the spectacle Thursday, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 20:00 till 24:00.

Famous for

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Tue 22, Oct
Wed 23, Oct
Thu 24, Oct
Fri 25, Oct
Sat 26, Oct
Sun 27, Oct
Mon 28, Oct
Not specified
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