Plaza Reial, Barcelona
Plaza Reial
Address: Plaza Reial s/n. Barcelona, Spain  
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The Plaza Reial is a beautiful rectangular plaza with huge palm trees and a fountain in it's centre.

It is located in the gothic quarter of Barcelona an lies more or less 600 metres in eastern direction from Plaza Catalunya, walking down Las Ramblas next to the theatre Teatre Liceu.

On the place itself you find a lot of gastronomic and nightlife venues as bars and restaurants with terraces and clubs to go out at night.

There is a lot of touristic activity and for the same reason prices in general elevated.

Famous for
tourist attraction | meeting point | make attractive photos | go out a night | eat & drink
Tue 22, Oct
Wed 23, Oct
Thu 24, Oct
Fri 25, Oct
Sat 26, Oct
Sun 27, Oct
Mon 28, Oct
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Plaza ReialPlaza ReialPlaza ReialPlaza ReialPlaza ReialPlaza Reial
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