Telefèric de Montjuïc, Barcelona
Telefèric de Montjuïc
Address: Passeig de la Escullera s/n. Barcelona, Spain  
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Telefèric de Montjuïc is a cable car in Barcelona, which gives you the unique opportunity to travel between three stations: The pensinula Barceloneta, World Trade Center and Mirador de Montjuïc.

During your journey to the mountain you have an incredible view on nearly the whole city with it's most important sights like for example Port Vell (Old harbour), Antonio Gaudí's Sagrada Familia, the Columbus statue, Maremagnum and much much more.

The prices (2008) are:
Single ticket adults: 5,70€
Single ticket children (4-12 years): 4,50€
Adults (Both ways): 7,90€
Childrens' ticket (Both ways, 4-12 years): 6 €

Famous for

Not specified

Tue 22, Oct
Wed 23, Oct
Thu 24, Oct
Fri 25, Oct
Sat 26, Oct
Sun 27, Oct
Mon 28, Oct
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
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Contact information
Telephone: 34 93 443 08 59
Telefèric de MontjuïcTelefèric de MontjuïcTelefèric de MontjuïcTelefèric de MontjuïcTelefèric de MontjuïcTelefèric de Montjuïc
Events and promotions

Nothing scheduled right now.

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